Does Anyone Make Money Trading Forex - Does anyone make money forex trading? If you have just dipped into forex trading, then you probably wonder what is real and what is hype? A random Google search on forex trading will bring up thousands of pages of people trying to sell you their special trading strategy or forex robot. The reality is though that few people can go from beginner to expert forex trader just by buying a book or ... › question › index - Feb 26, 2011 · The people who put money into forex and expect to make loads of money with no experience in trading forex are the kind of people who call forex gambling and say that it is a scam. Not any old retard can trade forex. - Nov 25, 2007 · In forex trading many traders think because they are clever or smart, that they have more chance of winning, but the EXACT opposite is true. There are many clever traders, yet they lose because being clever and making money are NOT compatible.Let’s look at this in more detail.The Work Ethic Does Not ApplyIn many jobs the more hours you put in the more you get out, but the normal work ethic ... › forex-without-trading - How to make money in forex without actually trading Most successful forex traders need to set apart at least two hours of dedicated trading time every day in order to make steady profits, but what if I tell you that a robot can help you to make money in Forex with actually no trading at all. › question › index - Jun 17, 2008 · Most beginner forex trading accounts can be opened for between $1000-3000 based on the forex broker company. You can start with demo accounts and move up to mini and regular forex accounts. I've been in the Asia Pacific forex markets for over 8 years and have seen profits come and go. › can-you-make-a-living - Trading forex for a living. So you’ve decided to start a career as a Forex trader, living off forex. Your first 3 questions will be: 1) Does anyone make money trading forex ? 2) How much do forex traders earn ? 3) Does forex really work ? Can forex be traded for a living ? › travel_guide › 37342 - Anyone would be a millionaire if they knew tomorrows price today - but forex trading is a bit more difficult. When you see a track record of amazing gains look at the small print and you will normally see a disclaimer like this standard CFTC one "cftc rule 4.41 - hypothetical or simulated performance results have certain limitations.


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